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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] This page intentionally left blank Vietnam and the American Political Tradition ThePoliticsofDissent This volume of essays is intended to demonstrate how opposition to the war in Vietnam, the military-industrial complex, and the national security state crystallizedin a variety ofdifferent andoften divergentpo- litical traditions. Indeed, for many of the figures discussed, dissent was a decidedly conservative act; they felt that the war threatened tradi- tional values, mores, and institutions, even though their definitions of what was sacred differed profoundly. During the course of the Vietnam War, they came to see the foreign policy, which they were supporting with its willingness to invoke the democratic ideal and at the same time tolerate dictatorships in the cause of anticommunism, as morally and politically corrupt. Though most dissenters were liberal – they believed that government had a duty to regulate the economy, helpthe disad- vantaged, and participate in schemes of collective security – all were conservative in that they increasingly came to perceive Cold War liber- alism as a radical departure that threatened the fundamental ideals of the republic. Randall B. Woods is John A. Cooper Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Arkansas. He has written widely on twentieth-century American history, including QuestforIdentity (2000), Dawning of the Cold War (1991), Changing of the Guard (1990), and Fulbright:ABiography (1995), which won both the Ferrell and Ledbetter Prizes. Vietnam and the American Political Tradition ThePoliticsofDissent Edited by RANDALL B. WOODS UniversityofArkansas
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