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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] This page intentionally left blank The Morphology of English Dialects Where do dialects differ from Standard English, and why are they so remarkably resilient? This new study argues that commonly used verbs that deviate from Standard English for the most part have a long pedi- gree. Analysing the language use of over 120 dialect speakers, Lieselotte Anderwald demonstrates that not only are speakers justifi ed historically in using these verbs, systematically these non-standard forms actually make more sense. By constituting a simpler system, they are generally more eco- nomical than their Standard English counterparts. Drawing on data col- lected from the Freiburg English Dialect Corpus (FRED), this innovative and engaging study comes directly from the forefront of this fi eld, and will be of great interest to students and researchers of English language and linguistics, morphology and syntax. LIESELOTTE ANDERWALD is Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Kiel, Germany. studies in english language General Editor M e r j a K y t ö ( U p p s a l a U n i v e r s i t y ) Editorial Board Bas Aarts (University College London), John Algeo (University of Georgia), Susan Fitzmaurice (Northern Arizona University), Charles F. Meyer (University of Massachusetts) The aim of this series is to provide a framework for original studies of English, both present-day and past. All books are based securely on empirical research, and represent theoretical and descriptive contributions to our knowledge of national and international varieties of English, both written and spoken. The series covers a broad range of topics and approaches, including syntax, phonology, grammar, vocabulary, discourse, pragmatics and sociolinguistics, and is aimed at an international readership. Already published in this series: C h r i s t i a n M a i r Infi nitival Complement Clauses in English: A Study of Syntax in Discourse C h a r l e s F . M e y e r Apposition on Contemporary English J a n F i r b a s Functional Sentence Perspective in Written and Spoken Communication I z c h a k M . S c h l e s i n g e r Cognitive Space and Linguistic Case K a t i e W a l e s Personal Pronouns in Present-Day English L a u r a W r i g h t The Development of Standard English, 1300 – 1800 : Theories, Descriptions, Confl icts C h a r l e s F . M e y e r English Corpus Linguistics: Theory and Practice S t e p h e n J . N a g l e a n d S a r a L . S a n d e r s ( e d s . ) English in the Southern United States A n n e C u r z a n Gender Shifts in the History of English K i n g s l e y B o l t o n Chinese Englishes I r m a T a a v i t s a i n e n a n d P ä i v i P a h t a ( e d s . ) Medical and Scientifi c Writing in Late Medieval English E l i z a b e t h G o r d o n , L y l e C a m p b e l l , J e n n i f e r H a y , M a r g a r e t M a c l a g a n , A n d r e a S u d b u r y , a n d P e t e r T r u d g i l l New Zealand English: Its Origins and Evolution R a y m o n d H i c k e y ( e d . ) Legacies of Colonial English M e r j a K y t ö , M a t s R y d é n , a n d E r i k S m i t t e r b e r g ( e d s . ) Nineteenth Century English: Stability and Change John Algeo British or American English? A Handbook of Word and Grammar Patterns C h r i s t i a n M a i r Twentieth-Century English: History, Variation and Standardization E v e l i e n K e i z e r The English Noun Phrase: The Nature of Linguistic Categorization R a y m o n d H i c k e y Irish English: History and Present-Day Forms G ü n t e r R o h d e n b u r g a n d J u l i a S c h l ü t e r ( e d s . ) One Language, Two Grammars?: Differences between British and American English L a u r e l J . B r i n t o n The Comment Clause in English The Morphology of English Dialects Verb Formation in Non-Standard English LIESELOTTE ANDERWALD
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