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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] This page intentionally left blank The Creation of American Common Law, 1850–1880 Technology, Politics, and the Construction of Citizenship This book is a comparative study of American legal development in the mid-nineteenth century. Focusing on Illinois and Virginia, sup- ported by observations from six additional states, the book traces the crucial formative moment in the development of an American system of common law in northern and southern courts. The process of le- gal development and the form that the basic analytical categories of American law came to have are explained as the products of different responses to the challenge of new industrial technologies, particularly railroads. The nature of those responses was dictated by the ideolo- gies that accompanied the social, political, and economic orders of the two regions. American common law, ultimately, is found to express an emerging model of citizenship, appropriate to modern conditions. As a result, the process of legal development provides an illuminating per- spective on the character of American political thought in a formative period of the nation. Howard Schweber completed his undergraduate studies at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania and received a J.D. from the University of Washington in 1989. He practiced law for several years, primarily in San Francisco, then returned to academic pursuits, earning an M.A. in his- tory from the University of Chicago in 1994 and a Ph.D. in government from Cornell University in 1999. Since that time, he has taught in the Political Science Department at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the author of Speech, Conduct, and the First Amendment (2003) and articles in journals such as Law and History Review, Law and Society Review, Studies in American Political Development , and Science in Context . For my parents The Creation of American Common Law, 1850–1880 Technology, Politics, and the Construction of Citizenship HOWARD SCHWEBER University of Wisconsin–Madison
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